Weather Center

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Satellite Image Interpretation

  • In Visable Image what you see is what the satellite sees without enhancements.
  • In an Infrared (IR) image cold clouds are high clouds, so the colors typically highlight the colder regions.
  • In a Water Vapor Image, white areas indicate moisture and dark areas indicate little or no moisture, so the colors typically highlight areas with large amounts of moisture.

Tropical Sorm Tracks

Tropical Storm Tracks are charts and projections of severe storm and hurricane/typhoon movement in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean areas.  They are updated every three hours.from the University of Hawaii - Not for life-death or Emergency Management decision making. For general information only.


DISCLAIMER: The wheather data presented at this site is intended to convey only general information and  must not be used to make life or death decisions or decisions relating to the protection of property as the data may not be accurate. If you are in the path of a storm you should be listening to official information sources. This site depends on information feeds produced by other parties and can not warrant the accuracy of that information in any way.

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